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[UVG] Mini-module Star-Brass Titan

This is an adventure I ran originally using the beta Black Hack Second Edition for a single first level player.

Ages ago, the star-brass titans governed the earth with their plodding steps and unceasing gaze. Whether they were rulers or weapons has been forgotten, but studies of occasional remnants has confirmed with superlative nature of their materials. Idrasi, father of a small family of autodigger nomads came across some of the metal, and is willing to sell information of its location, as they could not easily excavate or sell it themselves.


Idrasi is clad in purple robes to blend with the grasslands, and has few posessions beyond storm-goggles, good boots, and a staff topped with an infrasonic whistle to summon his herd. He is quick to avoid danger, and pretends to skepticism, though eager to provide for his daughters, left tending the flock.

The site is a few days travel along the low-road and the high, then a few days off of that.

The Site

Dangers: vome-ravens

Distant: Two daughters, Cinamm and Betl, child and adolescent, tending 30-40 autodiggers (each excavates 1 cubic foot a day as sustenance). Fled when vome-ravens returned
Autodiggers: cute dogs w/ tails, legs

Old gnarled tree: 3 swarms of 1d4+3 vome-ravens (1HD per swarm), 1d4 damage peck/claws.

Feeding crater, with crevice heading deeper. Autodiggers are attracted to the metal. at end of crevice, a few handspans of star-brass can be seen, bearing bore marks of attempted feeding. This is the back of floor B2 on the Titan's Head. An autodigger could eat through over two days.

Titan's Head (B1-B4)

Dangers: Attack mercury (B2), Vome microcolony (B4)
Treasures: Holomirrors (B1), Attack Mercury (B2), Filtration Vacillae (B3), Diamond Teeth (B4)

B1: Filled with an array of holomirrors, transparent glass panels that reflect light internally and between each other for complex, glittering calculations. Suspended and moved by wires attached to their corners. Large opening heading to B2

B2: Pool of attack mercury, normally used for refracting light from eyes up to holomirror chamber, has spilled to the front of the room. Will activate when disturbed or moved across. Crushes and suffocates. Ladder to B1 above pool. Ladder to B3 at left of room.

B3: Operation chamber, skeletons in space suits slumped over control panels. Hatch to B4 is welded from below with vome-poop. Front of room has nasal passages filled with filtration vacillae. They will filter any small objects into chutes that would lead to the torso, but end at dirt beneath B4. Larger objects like persons, are forcibly ejected out the nose to B4

B4: A small cavern extends in front of the titan's mostly-harvested diamond teeth, fractured as spines for spiked, armored, tunneling vomes. Never made stats for these. Through the teach, you can find the ducts that pass through the room, ending in dirt instead of more ducts (to retrieve objects lost to the vacillae).

Optional encounter: Bandit Trio

Along the way, there is an optional encounter with Svidli, looking to sell a captive. The captive is one of Idrasi's daughter's, Betl. When they try to get her to work she keeps beating up Svidli, so he is eager to be rid of her, and will accept deals that Stone-eyes would not.

The Bandit Trio

  • Svidli, a gnomish crossbowmen and scout in blue painted leathers. His speech and deed are fast, wary, and sloppy.
  • Stone-eyes, a brute with a stone disk pounded into his skull where eyes would be. Wears ostentatious leather Slow and powerful. Considers himself the leader. Brutal.
  • The Woman. Won't tell us her name, says it's not a good idea for any of us. Dark robes conceal a web of purple tattoos. Spellcaster with a Magic Missile that tears through the air and the bodies it hits.
 At their campsite (visible by smoke from fire), Stone-eyes is playing with a fidget, keeping guard while Svidli is gone, The Woman is studying, and Betl is ineffectively gagged and effectively restrained within a tent.


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