For the first time, I'm working on a more professional layout for an adventure I've written. Part of this is choosing fonts. I've asked around a few friends and places, and here is a list I've compiled, in no particular order. It helps me to see these all in one place, I hope it helps you! Thank you to everyone on twitter and various discord servers who provided these suggestions. I've used my favorite A-Z pangram , " Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow". I've chosen not to include two fonts recommended through the "Adobe Creative Cloud" because fuck that noise: Givry, a light blackletter, and OFL Sorts Mill Goudy, a regular serif. These fonts are all free for commercial use. They are suited for body text, with a few listed exceptions. Many of these fonts have additional weights not depicted, I encourage you to follow links for more info. Cormorant Garamond by Christian Thalmann Cormorant Garamond has many different weights. Volkhov by Cyre...